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Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00 PM CST
September 4, 2019

How to Increase NAD+ Levels Naturally

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), an alternative form of vitamin B3, is crucial for human life to exist. As a coenzyme or helper molecule, NAD+ acts as a fuel for many key biological processes, including:

  • Fortifying the defense systems of our cells
  • Repairing damaged DNA
  • Converting food into energy

Research appears to show that an increase in NAD+ in the body contributes to health and longevity, while a decrease in NAD+ is associated with the adverse effects of aging.
Low NAD+ levels have been linked to such health concerns as chronic illnesses, heart disease, vision loss, diabetes and aging. Animal research has shown that raising NAD+ levels can help lower the risk and the effects of many chronic diseases, as well as reversing the signs of aging.

Unfortunately, our levels of NAD+ decrease as we age, so for the health-minded person, the question becomes how do you increase NAD+ naturally?

The Signal that Fades

NAD+ provides the critical link between cell signals and metabolism, sensing nutrient pathways. NAD+ is a coenzyme that transports electrons from one cell reaction to the next and has also been found to play a role as a “signaling” molecule.

Increased energy production, improved repair of cells and the coordination of circadian rhythms are all roles played by NAD+.

NAD+ levels decline during the aging process because those levels are actively destroyed by the enzyme CD38 which is associated with immune responses and

energy metabolism. Mice which have been bred to be deficient in CD38 appear to be more resistant to diabetes and have extra protection from mitochondrial dysfunction. NAD+ may also decline with age as a direct result of inflammation.

Increasing Levels of NAD+ in the Body – Naturally

The NAD+ in your body is probably declining, not necessarily because your body is lacking the precursors, but because your body is failing to recycle what it already has—it’s not using the NAD+ it has efficiently.

The goal, then, is helping the cell create its own NAD+ (like it did naturally when it was younger).

But how are levels of NAD+ actually increased in the body?

In fact, scientists often go about this backwards, finding one small reason something occurs in the body, then attempting to “fix” it. Human biology is much more complex than that, and a real impact on the body can require multiple interventions.

In addition to NAD+ boosting therapies and supplements, there are certain things you can do to naturally enhance NAD+ levels in your body (using what is already there, rather than creating more), including:

    • Low-carb, high-fat, high-protein Ketosis diets have been shown to naturally increase the levels of NAD+. While this type of diet is very popular now, it is important to note that healthy fats should be implemented rather than saturated fats.

    • Exercise—one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to boost the levels of NAD+ already in the body. has been shown to raise the levels of NAD+ in the body. Regular exercise increases the DNA rebuilding and mitochondrial pumping proteins in the body, keeping the person physically fit, while delaying the negative aspects of the natural aging process. The more a person works out, the more NAD+ the body needs to produce energy, placing the body’s mitochondria into overdrive. As the body seeks to produce more and more energy, it needs more and more NAD+.

    • Heat exposure (natural as well as artificial heat exposure such as saunas and hot tubs) has been linked to an increase in NAD+. Scientists find this interesting since many people who suffer from extreme joint and muscle pain (like those with fibromyalgia) experience an increase in fatigue when they are exposed to colder temperatures. When exposed to an increase in heat for a significant period of time (perhaps sitting in a sauna), the body’s heart rate begins to pump harder because the body requires energy to sustain the “cool down” mode. This mini workout of sorts forces the body into additional production of NAD+ to cover the extra energy production.

    • Limiting Direct Sun Exposure—while heat can be a key factor in increasing NAD+, too much direct sunlight can deplete the NAD+ levels in the body because the body uses NAD+ to repair cells which are damaged as a result of direct UV ray exposure.

    • Kombucha, Kimchi and other fermented foods and beverages contain small amounts of NAD. In fact, when people who routinely experience bloating and joint pain increase the amount of fermented foods and beverages in their diet, they see a reduction in the levels of pain and bloating.

    • Intermittent fasting can also cause the body to increase the levels of NAD+ as a result of body shock—Fasting has been shown to indirectly boost the body’s NAD+ levels by increasing those levels as well as the sirtuins—the proteins in the body which slow the aging process. Although fasting can increase NAD+ levels, it can have some counterproductive effects. Intermittent fasting or adopting a low-carb diet may have the same positive results.

    • Eating more raw foods which contain Vitamin B can increase NAD+ levels. Peanuts, avocados and sunflower seeds, as well as steamed or baked poultry and fish are good choices for increasing levels of NAD+.

    • Reduce white flour, bread, and rice. Instead, swap them out for whole grain counterparts, since processing tends to destroy B vitamins, thus NAD+.

    • Drinking 2-3 glasses of fortified cow’s milk per day can help your body store and use NAD+.

    • Mushrooms and eggs are also a good source of vitamin B, resulting in increased production in NAD+.

  • Cut down on the booze as alcohol tends to inhibit the efficiency of NAD+ in the body.

When Diet & Exercise Aren’t Enough

Sometimes we simply can’t eat or exercise our way out of nutritional deficits. That’s where NAD+ supplements play a role.

When choosing supplements which help boost NAD+, don’t settle for those with NR (a pre-cursor to NAD) when you can get the active ingredient NAD+ instead from Myetin®!

90 Day Challenge

Myetin® – A Breakthrough Product

Myetin® is the first product of it’s kind using NAD+ as the active ingredient combined with the nutritional power of high dose biotin. Each dose of Myetin® includes 25mg of NAD+, and when taken twice daily as suggested, you get 50mg per day of NAD+ supplementation.

A recently completed pilot study showed that people using Myetin® reported a 48% decrease in pain and a 15% decrease in fatigue. Click here to read more about the study.